Tuesday, October 24, 2006

DIJON 1: The first stop on my trip to the north of France was Dijon, the town whose name is synonymous with mustard! It is a really charming little town with very distinctive buildings

One of the facades of a building in Dijon's old city, there are lots similar to this

Love the patterned tile roof!

Dijon has an excellent Beaux Arts (Fine Arts) Museum, for a small town they have a lot of works of famous artists and sculptors. Liked this one for some reason...

A mummified cat!

More of these ushebti I keep seeing in every Egyptian section I visit, the little people made of faience who were placed in the tombs to do the work of the dead in the afterlife. Usually there were 365 from memory, one for each day

Lancelot perhaps. Did you know the King Arthur stories were based in France? I never did

One of the rooms in the Musée de Beaux Arts, very grand

It's alive! It pays not to use flash on shiny surfaces, scary results

The square in front of the Hotel de Ville (Town Hall); I saw a little kid get soaked by the spouts! It wasn't warm in Dijon either!

A little chouette (owl) on the side of Dijon's Notre Dame church is supposed to bring luck to anyone who touches it, that's why he's almost disappeared. I had a black cat run across the road in front of me today so obviously the chouette didn't work for me. Superstitions bah

Flags with Dijon's coat of arms line the main street, it looks quite impressive (as always more so than in the photo)

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