Tuesday, September 19, 2006

FLORENCE 5: Uffizi Day. Getting tickets to the Uffizi Gallery is a major operation but I finally made it in! No photos of course but it's incredible, you definitely need a whole day to see everything properly!The view of the small square between two of the gallery buildings; you can see the Duomo in the background The view of the river and the Ponte Vecchio from the Uffizi: it has long corridors with large windows overlooking the river, a perfect spot
A closeup shot of the Duomo which I visited in the late afternoon
The gilded bronze eastern doors to the baptistry, called the Porta del Paradiso (Gates of Paradise), with scenes from the Old Testament

Paintings on the inside of the cupola
One of the many spots where you can light a candle as an offering

Giotto's campanile (bell tower). 82 metres high and of course closed the day I wanted to climb it. But I've climbed that many towers on this trip it doesn't matter too much, I'm officially a tower expert!

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