Sunday, September 24, 2006

TREVISO HIGHLIGHTS 1: I had an awesome time in Treviso; the month went so quickly but we managed to fit in so much!
Lauren and I at the bar on the old walls of the city
Mel and IRuth and I outside Bar al Borsa after the Australians got through to the second round of the World CupOur teacher Laura's birthday party at La Finestra Simone, Laura and Marisa, our teachers for the program

Christina and I at the uni bar Drinking, watching more soccer

One of the enormous sundaes from the ice cream shop in the main piazza!
After the Italians won the World Cup: Marisa and Laura getting just a little excited!Dinner at La Finestra with my friend Massimo from Treviso and Sabrina After an extensive search by Lauren and myself, we finally came across the almost mythical Fontana di Tette of Treviso. I'll let you guess what "tette" means...

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